Collection: Earth & Above

“Lórien's great art inspires expansion through beauty and color. Her diverse Art meshes movement with depth and allows us to reflect with personal introspection. It gives me pleasure as I take it into my heart through my eyes and into my soul. In other words her Art is pure JOY!”
~Gary Stuart, Los Angeles, CA

“Lórien has clearly reached for the stars with all her heart and soul and has managed to touch them and
transfer them onto canvas. She has managed to travel to other dimensions to show us how beautiful and
colorful our Universe is. The first time I saw one of her paintings I felt I needed to have a piece of this
wonderment we call art; when human sensibility releases its small self and unifies with
higher dimensions so that we might catch a glimpse of its greatness. That is awe.”
~Keren Bensoussan, Alghero, Sardinia, Italy

ciel/mer XII paintingciel/mer XV paintingCiel Mer XI

cosmic 5cosmic 5ciel mer xvi painting - Fine Art by Lorien Eck

cornish moors painting mixed mediafire and water painting - Earth and Above Collection by Lorien Eckciel mer XIV painting

mixed media painting mixed media paintingborealis IV painting
mixed media paintingmixed media painting Earthscape 2
Earthscape 1Ciel Mer IXCiel Mer X
cosmic 5cosmic 5cosmic 5
cosmic 5cosmic 5cosmic 5
cosmic 1cosmic 2cosmic 3
cosmic 5

Lorien Introducing her Art Collection at the Ritz-Carlton Laguna Niguel from Lorien Eck on Vimeo.

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