“We absolutely love our painting from Lórien! It is beautiful and so exciting to have her painting in our home.
As soon as I saw it I felt my heart open and knew that this piece belongs in our bedroom over our altar.
It is the first thing that I see in the morning and it helps set the tone of my day. Thank you Lórien! We love it!”
~Kathleen Nelson Troyer, Half Moon Bay, CA
"Your art work is definitely inspiring to me. It invites expansion of consciousness,
transmits the message of contemplating the whole over the specific.
Also, there is a sense of harmony of the whole as if watching images of the universe.
I feel like contemplating the combination of colors, shapes and surfaces endlessly.
And no matter how long I gaze at a particular painting, when looked upon again,
there is a sense of newness and rediscovery of details not revealed before.
Simply awe-inspiring!”
~Louis Turolla, Los Angeles, CA